TEDx: 12 Lessons About Life Before 30 (Part 5, Self & Life)

Timothy Yu
3 min readMar 21, 2022


This is the fifth and the last part of the series: 12 Lessons About Life Before 30, if you would like to read from the previous episodes, click here for the first episode, second, third and the fourth episode.

I would like to start by saying, I do not think I have figured out any of the topics in this chapter, I guess it would require another 10 years to get further and closer to understanding yourself and life. But I am trying to share here my views and approach as a stage of life for the record.

About Self

#10— Be Genuine, Be Honest

To your family, your friends, and your loved ones.

If you cannot, at least be genuine and honest to yourself. Write down your failures and wrong-doings so you won’t eventually forget.

People say the worst thing that could happen to a person is you forgot who you are. I do not think we simply forget because we were not reminded of who we are, we are ourselves everyday, we make conscious decisions based on our experience and preferences that distinguish you from anyone else. I think people forget because we started lying to ourselves and eventually we believe this is who we are supposed to be.

And there is no way back.

#11 — Find Love

This is the trickiest topic of all, but you ought to find it. Or else, what’s the whole point about going through all these?

Long story short, I’ve found mine. And I will use the next decade to learn about it and grow with it.

I hope you’d find yours as well.

Photo taken in Eze, France, Nov 2020

About Life

#12 —It’s about the extra mile

This is a short passage I wrote, titled “It’s about the extra mile”, a summary of what Life is to me, and I would like to share it with my loved ones.

“You feel tired, you are exhausted, you can just say forget it, I am done.

Don’t. It’s about the extra mile.

It doesn’t get you far, it doesn’t mean anything for that extra mile on the first day. But day by day, you get used to it, day by day, it’s becoming easier, you still feel tired but you get farther.

Day by day.

And one day, when you look back, you saw people who you used to work with, you used to admire, you used to take them as the benchmark of success.

And that day, you realise it is not because you are smarter, you have a good start or you got lucky.

It is about the extra mile, the mile that you relentlessly took day by day, that gets you this far, that makes you who you are, that makes all the impossible possible.

It’s always about the extra mile.”



Timothy Yu

Founder of Snapask, with over 4.5M student members in 9 Asian countries, connecting them with qualified tutors to get help on learning problems. — snapask.com